Rebekah Loos, the woman who could have meant the end of David and Victoria Beckham, breaks her silence
He told El Mundo what his experience was like when the family moved to Madrid

here was a time when the idyllic relationship that David and Victoria Beckham show today was plunged into absolute chaos. The family’s nanny, Rebecca Loos, still claims she was the Real Madrid star’s mistress during his time in Spain. Her life has changed completely since then: she is married, lives in Norway and has two children. In an interview with El Mundo, she reveals what those days were like.
Firstly, despite the fact that a lot of time has passed, there is still an active talk show host whose name Rebeca Loos has not forgotten: “It was brutal. In one of the programs a man called Kiko Matamoros came out to say that he knew me, that I was a whore. I had never dealt with him”. It is not the only thing that was said about her at the beginning of the century: “Another man claimed to have been with me on Ronaldo’s yacht in Brazil, where, according to him, I had slept with all the footballers”.
Rebeca Loos reveals what her first date with David Beckham was like
Loos was always clear about what her goal was when she joined the Beckhams as a nanny: “To take care of Victoria. To show her Madrid. To take her shopping. We had to make sure she was going to like the city. That she was going to have a good time.” Her importance gradually expanded within the family: “I was the first person the Beckhams saw in the morning. I would suggest plans for them.”
Rebeca Loos continues to maintain that she was David Beckham’s lover during his time in the Spanish capital. She also reveals that the first date between them was at La Bardemcilla, a restaurant owned by Javier Bardem’s family. According to the Madrid native, she travelled there in the boot of the car so as not to be discovered. The Englishman always threatened to sue her for defamation.
When she was threatened with having her alleged affair with the footballer published, Loos activated a new plan: “The fighter in me kicked in and I defended myself on a television programme in England. Then I went on another show. And another one after that. It was a snowball effect,” she said.