I get very emotional replying to them’ – Sir Chris Hoy’s messages from Murray, Beckham and rock star after cancer shock

SIR CHRIS HOY admits he’s been overwhelmed by the messages of support he’s had since revealing that he has terminal cancer.
The Scottish Olympic cycling hero has given his first major TV interview since announcing two weeks ago that his prostate cancer was terminal.
It will be aired on the BBC tonight and the 48-year-old has opened up on the response he’s had since breaking the news.
In addition to the fact that there’s been a remarkable EIGHT times increase in searches for prostate cancer symptoms, the Scot has revealed that he’s had a phone call from Coldplay lead singer Chris Martin and inspirational voice notes from the likes of Andy Murray and David Beckham since making the revelation.
Hoy said: “It’s very emotional replying to all the messages that come in. People you haven’t spoken to since you were at school.
“Years and years. People from cycling.