Donald Trump plans Sunday return to Wisconsin, a fourth event in nine days

MADISON — Republican former President Donald Trump will return to Wisconsin on Sunday for a rally at the Dodge County Airport in Juneau — a fourth campaign event in the battleground state in nine days, his campaign announced Wednesday.
The rally follows events on Tuesday in Dane and Milwaukee counties — the state’s two Democratic strongholds. Trump led in Dodge County by about 15,000 votes, or 31 percentage points, in 2020 when he lost the state to Demcoratic President Joe Biden by about 21,000 votes.
He campaigned in Prairie du Chien in southwestern Wisconsin on Saturday. His Democratic rival, Vice President Kamala Harris, has a Thursday campaign stop in the Fox Cities region. Further details have not been announced. Harris held a rally in Madison on Sept. 20.
Like his Tuesday visit to Waunakee, Trump’s remarks in Juneau are being framed by the campaign as a critique of the current Democratic administration’s economic policy.
“This November, Wisconsin voters will send a clear message at the ballot box when they reject the dangerous Democrat, Kamala Harris. Wisconsin voters know that only President Trump can Make America Affordable Again,” the campaign said in a news release.
During his remarks at the metal fabrication facility Dane Manufacturing, the former president spoke for more than 30 minutes before touching on economic issues — aside from a brief tangent during which he said he wouldn’t trust Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris or President Joe Biden “to run a lemonade stand.”