What do Máxima of Holland and Victoria Beckham have in common? They share the same unusual detox trick

It keeps inflammation at bay, controls weight, increases energy and leaves your skin beautiful, although this habit is not suitable for everyone.
It seems unbelievable that two women as different as Máxima from Holland and Victoria Beckham have such a curious habit in common and that they both follow this detox trick to the letter. It helps them control inflammation, weight, beautify the skin and energize themselves from first thing in the morning because it is an atypical routine that they both practice on an empty stomach.
A healthy but atypical trick Both Máxima from Holland and Victoria Beckham take great care of their diet, Victoria being much more strict, however, both share a habit that is gaining more and more popularity among those who seek to take better care of themselves on the inside and make it noticeable on the outside with very healthy habits: They take apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach.