David Beckham Says It Was Hard To Get Victoria Beckham To Film A Docuseries

David Beckham just spilled some tea about his wife Victoria’s new Netflix docuseries—and let me tell you, it’s shaping up to be posh-tacular.
Yes, that’s right! Victoria Beckham—former Spice Girl, current queen of fashion, and professional husband-boss—is about to unleash her fabulousness on Netflix, all courtesy of David’s very own production company, Studio 99 (because why let anyone else handle it when you’ve got the resources and a killer name for a production company, am I right?).
So, what’s the scoop? Netflix, with all the enthusiasm of someone announcing a new Taylor Swift album, tweeted that this series will show “Victoria’s reinvention as a Creative Director of her own brand.” Sounds fancy, right? Translation: It’s all about how she went from singing about “zig-a-zig-ah” to telling us all how to zig our outfits and zig our makeup with style and grace.
Now, here’s where things get interesting: while attending the 2024 Royal Television Society’s London Convention (fancy), David—looking dapper, as always—teased us about the docuseries. And by “teased,” I mean he confessed it had him sweating like a soccer player in extra time. “I can’t lie, it worried me,” he said. “It made me nervous, it made Victoria nervous.” Yep, even the Beckhams get the jitters. Imagine that: Victoria, who can wear heels higher than your Wi-Fi bill, feeling nervous about anything!