Can Andy Murray Become A Scratch Golfer? SWING ANALYSIS

Andy Murray is one of the greatest tennis players of all time, but will he achieve his dream of being a scratch golfer? In this video, PGA Professional Jack Backhouse looks at Andy Murray’s golf swing to see what he could improve to help him on his journey to scratch.
Andy is a pretty tall bloke, and in this video, he is only hitting a wedge, so that might skew things a little, but the first noticeable thing in his set-up is he is quite a long way bent over, with his balance points too far out over his toes.
I would also like to see his feet flared out a little more at address, as this will allow a unrestricted turn, and a longer golf swing. His grip and tilts look pretty good.
Murray takes the club away with very stiff wrists, which keeps the clubface looking down and closed. I’d like to see more trail wrist extension in this part of the golf swing and less right arm fold, which would keep things a little tighter and more on plane.
As we get further back into the swing, we see Murray’s trail shoulder stay in internal rotation too long, which stands the shaft up too steep and gets him in a short and across-the-line position, which usually ends with a steep downswing.
To get the club on a better line at the top, he should externally rotate his right arm more to shallow the shaft in the backswing.