Donald Trump told to boost his security at golf courses if he wants to keep playing weekly after another suspected attempted assassination in Florida: reports

Donald Trump and the Secret Service have held a meeting to discuss if the former president can continue the one weekly activity he loves most, following a suspected second attempted assassination.
Donald Trump has been told to increase his security if he wants to keep playing golf, following a suspected second assassination attempt at a venue he owns.
The former president had been at Trump International Golf Course in the US state of Florida on Sunday (local time) enjoying some down time on the golf course.
However, one Secret Service agent protecting the 78-year-old businessman had spotted a gun barrel poking through the fence line and opened fire in the direction. Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, fled the scene but was later arrested by heavily-armed police after a tip off from a witness who had spotted him driving away.
Former president Donald Trump had a meeting with the Secret Service to discuss if he can keep playing golf, after a second suspected attempt on his life.
It appears a second attempt on his life will not deter him from golf.
Trump and the Secret Service have met since the incident to discuss how the former president can continue safely playing the sport he loves to take part in weekly.
Roland Lowe Jr, the agency’s Acting Director, met with Trump at his office and home in Mar-a-Lago on Monday afternoon, The New York Times reported.