Donald Trump radicalizes his xenophobic speech and alarms his own advisors about the electoral impact

The former president of the United States sparked controversy with his false accusations about Haitians. The Republican Party, divided in the face of the magnate’s far-right turn. The possible effects on the campaign.
Donald Trump’s strategists had thought that after Tuesday’s debate they would attack his rival Kamala Harris with the issue that most worries Americans and where the vice president presents her greatest vulnerabilities, such as the management of the economy. However, this week the magnate further radicalized his anti-immigrant speech, with xenophobic and racist comments such as migrants eating neighbors’ pets. In addition, he personally defended a far-right agitator who is rejected even by Republican conservatives. This whole move by Trump, apparently intended to keep his most loyal base mobilized and which worked in the 2016 elections, today worries Republican strategists because they fear that the more moderate and centrist electorate, necessary to win the elections in the United States, .USA, I ended up scared.
In Tuesday’s debate, Harris made Trump angry with some topics and the magnate reacted with a series of false comments about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio: he said that arrivals from the Caribbean kidnapped neighbors’ pets to eat them, something that was denied by the police. The phrase “they are eating the dogs, they are eating the cats!” from the candidate’s mouth it then began to circulate like lightning on social networks, with Trump’s voice to a techno rhythm and with memes of kittens and puppies with the faces of victims.