Donald Trump melted down in Las Vegas as he alternated between screaming rage and incoherence as Kamala Harris increases her polling lead.

Donald Trump melted down in Las Vegas as he alternated between screaming rage and incoherence as Kamala Harris increases her polling lead.
Trump claimed that according to one right wing poll he is up by six points:
An out of his mind Trump is citing an unreliable right wing poll to claim that he is up six points in the general election. All other polls have him trailing nationally by 4-5 points.
Trump later screamed at his fans and ranted about Biden leaving the race:
Trump is literally screaming at the audience, and then rants and raves about Joe Biden leaving the race. Someone is clearly not doing well.
Trump claimed that his pollsters are cheating him and making up numbers:
This must be what a nervous breakdown looks like as Trump claims his own pollsters are making up numbers and cheating him, ” I just saved $200,000 with these phony pollsters. They don’t even go out intact, they just give you a number.”
The nation is witnessing the ex-president trying to change the reality that he is losing the election through lies and fantasies. Instead of accepting the fact that he is losing, Donald Trump has mentally retreated to a place where he is actually winning the election and everything is fine.
Trump’s frantic behavior and increasing paranoia tell a much different story than the words that were coming out of his mouth.