Donald Trump calls Kamala Harris the ‘worst vice president’ ever. Where does she rank?

Donald Trump said during his debate with Kamala Harris that she has been the “worst vice president in the history of our country.” So we asked two scholars who have studied the vice presidency if that was so. Harris, vice president since 2021, was rated 11th of 18 modern vice presidents in a study by Justin Vaughn, associate professor of political science at Coastal Carolina University, and Brandon Rottinghaus, professor of political science at the University of Houston. they are co-directors of the Presidential Greatness Project, which conducted the study. The findings involve ratings of vice presidents starting with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration in 1933, the year scholars consider the beginning of the powerful American presidency.
The professors asked scholars and political experts to rate modern vice presidents in different areas. The study was conducted from November 15 to December 31, 2023. Among the areas rated: Balancing the ticket, policy adviser, maintaining relations with Congress and serving as a surrogate for the president. We asked Vaughn for more details. Below is our interview with him: Q. Donald Trump says Vice President Harris is the “worst vice president in the history of our country.” Your study has her #11 . Is there any evidence to back up Trump’s claim?