The curious reason why Victoria Beckham cut her hair in the 90s

The Spice Girls star became famous for her long hair after rising to fame with the girl group, but surprised her fans by cutting her hair short and adopting a pixie cut in the ’90s, and has now revealed that she was trying to imitate someone very admired by her. In the new Disney Plus documentary ‘In Vogue: The 90s’, Victoria explained: “Linda Evagelista was the reason I cut my hair, the reason I dyed my hair so many different colors. I was in New York and I went to Garren, who was Linda’s hairdresser. I was channeling my inner Linda.” In the documentary, Victoria also talks about her relationship with fashion and reveals that her husband David spent a fortune on a Prada suit to impress her on their first date. She said: “When I met David in 1997, he had heard that I was the Spice Girl who liked designer clothes. So after going to a couple of football matches – I would say he was chasing me – he I’d probably say I was the one stalking him – we agreed to go out together. He thought, ‘She’s the one who likes designer clothes,’ so he went out and bought a whole Prada look for our first date. , to impress me. And he did it.”