Scotland will live to regret the apathy and indifference that has left us without a real legacy to Andy Murray, writes Heather Dewar

There may be a time, in years to come, when we look back at our failure to capitalise on ambition and regret our slow decline into stuttering indifference.
A time where we realise we have unwittingly dragged ourselves into a period of sporting stagnation, where the success of Andy Murray is but a distant memory.
Mum Judy’s decision to shelve plans for her much vaunted Park of Keir development may be music to the ears of campaigners who rallied against building on greenbelt territory, but the consequences of its demise could be far reaching.
We are now sleepwalking into an abyss of apathy. Facilities broken, swimming pools closing, golf courses disappearing, budgets being rapidly wiped out by cuts, with only worse to come as government ministers tighten their belts.
Worse than this, we appear to be letting it all happen. Weak, subservient, bending over backwards to appease the money men, in the vain hope of riches still to come. Governing bodies, terrified to rock the boat, remain silent.
Tennis Scotland? Conspicuously quiet in the whole Park of Keir affair. It’s almost ironic that their website is littered with images of Andy Murray as if, somehow, that will appease those who cling on, in the vain hope of a legacy for the former world No1.
Judy Murray told Mail Sport she has encountered ‘apathy, lack of ambition and at times lack of cooperation from those whose role it is to promote sport and tennis in Scotland’.