Victoria Beckham will star in a new Netflix documentary

The star of 50 years – played by the football legend David Beckham, of 49, of 1999 – went to fame as a member of the Spice Girls in the finals of the decade of 1990 and more slowly when a giro was able to ride and unroll as a designer fashions. Ahora, after appearing in the documentary, ‘Beckham’, nominated for Emmy awards, together with its husband, the streaming service has decided to create a series that centers on its logros and victorias.
Through a business communication, the company affirms: “A través de una mirada exclusiva entre bastidores al negocio de Victoria, a su vida personal, su familia, sus más allegados y su trayectoria en la mode e incluyendo archivos nunca vistos, la series chronicles the history of the reinvención of Victoria as Creative Director of her brand”.
The best production will be Victoria – who has David in Brooklyn, aged 25, Romeo, aged 21, Cruz, aged 19, and Harper, aged 13 – who “have malabarismos” to balance her life as mother and woman in negotiations.
The communication also reads: “Después de la serie documentary de David Beckham, su marido, que narra su ascenso a la fame como futbolista de éxito et icono de la culture pop, el próximo documentary promised acercarse acercarse acercarse acercarse a la ex estrella del pop minetras compagina su vida empresarial y familiar”.
In 1994, Victoria attended an audition for a group called Touch and was selected alongside Geri Halliwell, Melanie C, Mel B and Emma Bunton, but she soon separated from her original direction and decided to recognize the public as Spice Girls dos años más tarde.